SOT-WEED FACTOR, by John Barth, Doubleday & Co.
An enormous, bawdy historical novel, filled with hilarious satire. Homosexuality is sprinkled throughout, especially in the relationship between the Don-Quixote-like hero and his tutor.
GAME OF FOOLS, by James Barr, ONE
Intense drama of young men, by author of Quatrefoil and Derricks.
And many other books are available. Write for free checklist No. 24.
Remittance must accompany all orders. Add 25c for shipping costs, tax in Calif.
Mail orders to: ONE, Inc. 2256 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles 6, California
ONE INSTITUTE Homophile Studies
The Education Division of ONE, Incorporated
Exclusively devoted to the study of male and female homosexuality. Classes at university level to promote greater self-knowledge and happier life adjustments for the students. Learning to live comfortably with yourself and with others. The first and only educational institution in the world to treat homosexuality in human terms and as neither degrading, a disease, nor sinful.
A balanced and comprehensive program for the layman and the specialist; classes, seminars, public lectures, the annual Mid-winter Symposium, research projects (in conjunction with ONE's Research Division) and Extension classes in other cities. Write for further details and schedule of classes for 1962 fall semester, opening September 17th.
ONE INSTITUTE QUARTERLY of Homophile Studies, publishes serious and technical articles, scientific abstracts and book reviews about homosexuality from anthropological, biological, psychological, religious, legal, philosophical, sociological, historical and literary points of view. A unique journal, indispensible for the professional man or woman, for serious students and libraries, now in its fourth year. Annual subscription $5; overseas $6; special rate for libraries $3.50; single copies $1.50. Some back issues containing important reference material still available.
2256 Venice Boulevard
Los Angeles 6, California